Difference Between Omega 3 and Omega 6

Fat is a complex topic. Many people interpret fat in different ways, and sometimes in negative light. However, fat is an essential part of one’s diet and can be found in almost all of the diet regimens used nowadays. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are fatty acids that can be found in many dishes and … Read more

Difference Between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

Angiosperms and gymnosperms are two major types of vascular plants (plants that have conducting tissue). Their main distinguishing factor lies in the kinds of seeds they bear, but various characteristics also play a role in their differences. Here, we will discuss the different traits of angiosperms and gymnosperms. Angiosperms Angiosperms are commonly called “flowering plants.” … Read more

Difference Between iPhone XS and XR

The iPhone is one of the most popular products manufactured by Apple. The company continues to release new models of their phones every year, including the fairly recent iPhone X. Along with their models marked with Roman numerals, Apple also releases models whose names are accompanied by letters. These models are improved or altered versions … Read more

Difference Between iPhone X and XR

Apple is known for its constant release of its signature iPhones over the years. Its eleventh generation model, the iPhone X, came out in 2017. The following year, the iPhone XR was introduced. Here, we will feature the differences between the iPhone X and XR. iPhone X The iPhone X is an eleventh generation iPhone … Read more

Difference Between iPhone X and XS

Apple has continuously created and developed products that push innovation. This is especially the case with the iPhone who has released so many models over the years. In this article, we will feature the differences between the recent models – iPhone X and XS. iPhone X The iPhone X is the 11th generation of iPhone … Read more

Difference Between Sole Trader and Private Limited Company

There are various types of business structure and they start from the most basic – sole trader, partnership, and corporation. These types are further divided into different forms. In this article, we will discuss the difference between a sole trader and a private limited company. Sole Trader A sole trader is also called a sole … Read more

Difference Between Sole Trader and Partnership

There are three main business structures –  sole proprietorship or sole trader, partnership and corporation. In this article, we will touch the topic of a sole trader. Here, we will differentiate a sole trader and partnership. Sole Trader A sole trader is also known as a sole proprietor. Its most basic definition is a business structure … Read more

Difference Between Partnership and Corporation in the Philippines

Composed of over 7000 islands, the Philippines has been a destination for tourists looking for an affordable vacation spot. This and the amount of people retiring in the country has made the Philippines a good place to start up a business. In this article, we will feature the differences of a partnership and corporation in … Read more

Difference Between Partnership and Limited Company in UK

There are different business structures to choose from in the United Kingdom. If you’re thinking of putting up a business in UK, it would be best to know the differences between each type. Knowing each type will help you figure out which is best for your business venture. Here, we will compare a partnership and … Read more

Difference Between Partnership and Corporation in Canada

There are many types of businesses. The most basic classification would be sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Even then, the description of these business types vary by country. In this article, we will list the differences between a partnership and corporation in Canada. Partnership In Canada, a partnership is defined as a non-incorporated business that … Read more