Difference Between Hispanic and Latino

Demographics The terms Hispanic and Latino are often used interchangeably, but these are actually different terms. Both terms referred to ethnicity originally, not race as now popularized in the U.S; which has diminished personal adoption. Hispanic is derived from the Latin term for Spain (Hispania), while Latino is derived from Spanish term for Latin. Latin … Read more

Difference Between Communism and Fascism

  Communism is a system based on the theory of economic equality and advocates for a society where there is no differentiation between the wealthy and the poor. In contrast, fascism is based on a top-down system with rigid class roles which is led by a dictator. The theory of communism originated from Karl Marx … Read more

Difference between Bolsheviks and Soviets.

The Bolsheviks (majority in Russia) were a political radical group. As a matter of fact, they were the dominant bloc of the RSDRP, also known as the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Vladimir Lenin founded it in 1905. By 1917, during the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks took control of Russia and soon after that, the … Read more