Who Won WW1?

World War I is considered as one of the largest conflicts in history, being categorized as a global-scale war that involved many countries and hundreds of millions of human life. Who Were Involved in World War I? The First World War was a war between two military factions – the Allies, which consisted of Britain, … Read more

Difference Between Ahí and Allí

When learning Spanish adverbs, a little confusion may result from trying to understand the use of allí and ahí. Some people insist on using them as synonyms and exchanging their meanings. Although this is not entirely incorrect (whether if one uses ahí or allí, the phrase is most likely to be understood anyways) there are … Read more

Difference Between a Joint Venture and Partnership

A business can come in different forms, like a sole proprietorship, corporation, joint venture or a partnership. Among these types, joint venture and partnership are commonly mistaken for each other. Here are the variations between a joint venture and partnership. A joint venture is a contractual agreement between two companies or parties to join together … Read more

Difference Between A Joint Family and Nuclear Family

Family is the basic unit of a society. Many people have different principles about family, including its members of the household. Here, we will discuss the difference between a joint family and nuclear family. A joint family, also known as an extended family, is defined by a family that includes not only parents and children … Read more

Difference Between California and Guajillo Chillies

Chillies play a large role in cuisine, especially in Mexican food which incorporates the use of different varieties of chili peppers. California and guajillo chillies are among the many varieties of chilli popularly used in cooking. Here are the differences between california and guajillo chillies The california chilli is also known as the New Mexico chilli … Read more

Difference Between Science and Technology

The terms science and technology often come hand in hand with one another that people easily mistake them to refer to the same thing. However, the two are fundamentally different. They simply complement each other and benefit society similarly. What are the distinctions between science and technology? Science is the pursuit of knowledge. It studies … Read more

Difference Between Wheat and Tares

Wheat is one of the several grains that make up the staples of human consumption. Wheat and tares are easily confused, whether it is in agriculture or in biblical representation. How are wheat and tares distinguished? Wheat is a cereal type plant or grain that is processed to become flour or bran. From these products, … Read more